£200 for every Hockerton home and business

After the great response to the last round of funding, Sustainable Hockerton is pleased to announce a new offer of £200 to every household and business in the parish for energy and water saving measures installed by 31 March.

If you want ideas, in-depth surveys of 3 Hockerton homes found plenty of ways to save money and make homes more comfortable. Examples taken up by residents in the last round include:

  • loft insulation
  • 5 households put their funds towards a shared solar PV system
  • switching to LED lights
  • thermally-lined curtains and blinds
  • water efficient shower heads
  • water butts

This offer is a thank you to the village for hosting the wind turbine, and to deliver on our commitment to improve the economic and environmental sustainability of the parish by reducing bills, carbon emissions and resource use.

SHOCK continues to maintain a fund for larger projects, with ideas always welcome.

Sincere thanks to the Sustainable Hockerton project for helping us when we were in need by funding a measure to save money, improve comfort and benefit the environment.  After recently moving we were completely oblivious of the poor level of insulation in our large loft.  Over the winter the house was freezing cold and the frequent supplies of oil to keep it warm were extremely costly.  At the time Sustainable Hockerton was offering support with environmental initiatives and they certainly came to our rescue in part funding loft insulation. Since then we have undertaken other projects such as insulated linings for curtains to conserve heat and we are gradually replacing bulbs with more eco options.
I have now re-bulbed the whole house. Has certainly made a difference – my 32 day electricity consumption for Nov-Dec period appears to be 25% below annual average for a month which given it is a winter month is fantastic!!

Thanks to SHOCK for encouraging me to make the change – like all converts – with total conviction I am now browbeating all my friends and encouraging them to make the change!!



  1. We have recently had solar panels installed and wanted to claim this £200 grant. Please could you confirm how I can do this.

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